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The splendid foliage of Golden Tiara Hosta compliments Sunrosa Yellow Roses.

Wide Brim Hosta and Sunrosa Pink Roses pair well together in the landscape

Paradise in the Shade

Shade Loving Plants for the Garden

Who says that you can’t create a beautiful garden paradise without a lot of sunshine? It’s time to re-think those unfilled spaces and add beauty to all areas of the landscape.
Hostas are the perfect solution to brighten shady spots with lush color and greenery. 
Their wonderful textures not only help to create a gorgeous ground cover but they also have the added benefit of hiding pesky weeds underneath. Although they tend to prefer loose, well-drained soil, they are a cinch to grow with their ability to adapt to their environments.
There are several new Hosta selections from the Gardener’s Confidence® Collection with beauty to offer for dull areas. Golden Tiara Hosta features light green foliage with splendid yellow edges. To compliment the tones, try planting with the bright yellow Sunrosa® shrub roses.  Although roses have long been associated with sunny areas, the dwarf Sunrosa® varieties will grow in part shade making them ideal for gardens that receive morning sun and afternoon shade.

Patriot Hosta features dark green foliage with white edges. The striking leaves add a pop of color and draw the eye inward. At less than 2 ft high and 3 ft wide, they are perfect for mass plantings for color where it needs it most. It also produces lavender flowers that stand above the foliage in the hot summer months for added appeal. 
When planting several hosta in the garden, it is best to follow the spacing recommendations on the tags. Although our first tendency may be to bunch them together so there are no gaps with new plantings, keep in mind that hosta can take a couple of growing seasons to reach their mature sizes. Leaving ample space will allow them to fill out nicely and give the plants more lush texture.
Another new variety, Wide Brim Hosta, features green leaves with buttery yellow edges. The dramatic foliage color is the perfect compliment to the sheer, semi-double blooms of the Sunrosa® soft pink roses. At less than 2 feet tall, the compact shrub rose bush won’t over tower the hosta like other larger varieties creating a magnificent flow of color.
Other plants that compliment hosta varieties are tulips, daffodils, impatiens and begonias. Be adventurous and mix in different varieties of annuals and perennials to change out colors for each season. Take control of those shady spots and enjoy digging in every inch of the garden.

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